'Secret Signals: How Gay Men Cruise for Sex' is the title, and it gets right down to business in laying out exactly how to find a bathroom catering to your specific anonymous sex needs and what to do when you get there (two words: toe tap).Īt the very end, it does throw a bone to run-of-the-mill gays who prefer to have their anonymous encounters over the Internet like decent people by noting that 'public cruising is practiced mainly by deeply closeted men' and providing this closing quote: This ABC News report is much more direct. I wouldn't say this is surprising, but at least he sort of made the point that not all men who engage in this activity are running back to practice their cabaret shows and fluff pillows like the public apparently expects. In this CNN video, featuring the most inspired B-roll I've ever seen ('I need three minutes of toilet close-ups!'), the reporter uncovers the 'surprising' fact that many men who look for anonymous sex in public bathrooms are engaged in long-term heterosexual relationships. Rather than go for the truly interesting issues at hand (like, why does the GOP have so many deeply closeted members?), outlets like CNN and ABC News have opted for the far more accessible/sensational 'gays are screwing in a public bathroom near you!' angle. If there is any upside to the whole Larry Craig situation, it's that the media fallout has provided some reports whose bizarro factor is off the charts.